About Andrew

Andrew Perkins has been working professionally with dogs since 1991. A founding member of the Canadian Association of Professional Dog Trainers, he served on its board of directors a total of 27 years, and as the publishing editor of FORUM, the association's national newsletter, for 11 years. He now serves as the Association’s Ombuds. In 2023, on the Association’s 30th anniversary, Andrew was given the honour of becoming the Association’s fourth Life Member.
Andrew has written numerous articles on dogs, behaviour and training for several publications, including Dogs In Canada, Dogs & Kids, Pet Product News and Modern Woman. He was the series writer for Life Network's hit TV show, Life With Pets, has appeared as a guest expert on Life With Pets and Canada AM, and been interviewed on a variety of behaviour subjects for broadcast and print news items.
As an instructor with the respected training school Dealing With Dogs (visit www.dealingwithdogs.com), Andrew teaches puppy, adult beginner, intermediate, advanced and leash-walking classes.
Best Friends Obedience offers private instruction in your home for basic training as well as behaviour problems such as house-soiling, puppy biting, resource guarding, stealing, dog-dog aggression, dog-human aggression, inter-family relationship and other issues. Problem-solving is dealt with in a dog-friendly, motivational manner intended to enhance the owner-dog relationship.

Above 1: Speaking at National Conference of the Canadian Association of Professional Pet Dog Trainers. Above 2: With Dr. Ian Dunbar, who is responsible for the modern lure-reward puppy training approach, and called together trainers in Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom and the USA to form our respective national trainers’ associations. Below 1: The founding Board of Directors of the Canadian Association of Pet Dog Trainers (now called the Canadian Association of Professional Dog Trainers). Below 2: As of 2023, a CAPDT Life Member.